System | Activation Certificate

System | Activation Certificate

This section displays the details of the Activation Certificate for RELIANOID Enterprise Edition.

Activation Certificate Details #

The initial section shows the credentials needed by the RELIANOID team to generate the Activation Certificate. Note that certificates are tied to the hostname.

relianoid load balancer v8 system activation data

Certificate Key. An encrypted string generated by your system. A certificate generated with a different key will not be valid for your system.
Hostname. The unique name assigned to your load balancer, which should be unique within your organization.

Both values can be copied using the double paper button.

The next section displays the content of the activation certificate:

relianoid load balancer v8 system activation certificate

The Validity section includes:

Not Before. The date and time when the certificate was issued.
Not After. The date and time when the certificate expires. A warning will appear if this is equal to or greater than one year. Certificates valid for less than a year are temporary, and the appliance will stop after this period.
Subject. This section contains:

  • O. The organization to which the activation certificate is issued.
  • OU / A key generated by the appliance instance, used in the activation certificate.
  • CN. The hostname of the load balancer as registered by the requester.
  • emailAddress. The requester’s email address.

Activation Certificate Actions #

Available actions include:

Upload Certificate. Used to create a new activation certificate (temporary or definitive). After selecting this option, a Select file button will appear to upload a certificate from your local PC to the load balancer. Click Upload to activate the new certificate.

relianoid load balancer v8 system activation actions

Delete Certificate. Removes the active certificate from the appliance.

For an evaluation certificate, fill in the details on the Request Evaluation Form. After submitting the form, you will receive an email with steps for activating and evaluating RELIANOID Enterprise Edition. These trial certificates are valid for one month and are intended for testing purposes. For a permanent activation certificate, please contact us through the Contact us form.


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