Network | Routing | Tables

Network | Routing | Tables

Overview of Routing Tables #

Routing tables within the RELIANOID Load Balancer play a critical role in directing packets to their intended destinations based on predefined rules. This section allows users to customize and manage these routing tables as per their network requirements.

Default Tables #

By default, every RELIANOID Load Balancer includes at least two tables:

  • main: Used for external services such as DNS resolution, NTP requests, proxy connections, and APT updates.
  • table_eth0: Specifically utilized for load balancing tasks where Virtual IPs (VIPs) are linked and traffic is managed.

Routing Tables List #

The image below displays the available routing tables within the system:

relianoid load balancer v8 network routing rules tables

Field Descriptions:
Name: A name that easily identifies a table.
Action: The access to the configuration view for the selected table.

This interface provides users with the capability to manage routing tables efficiently, ensuring optimized packet routing and network performance tailored to specific operational needs.


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