Network | Routing | Tables | Configure

Network | Routing | Tables | Configure

In this section, you will explore the configuration and management of routing tables within the RELIANOID Load Balancer. We will cover how to customize table behavior, add new routes, and delete existing ones.

Subnet Awareness #

Each routing table within the load balancer is aware of the subnets configured on its associated interfaces. This allows packets to be forwarded to destination networks directly through the same table where the packet originated. For instance, if eth0 manages subnet and eth1 manages, tables such as table_eth0 and table_eth1 are aware of each other’s subnets. Therefore, if a packet destined for a VIP in table_eth0 needs to reach a backend in (reachable via eth1), table_eth0 will route the packet directly to through its own routing mechanisms.

However, any subnet not known through another table remains unmanaged within the selected routing table.

Route List #

Below is a description of the properties used for configuring routing tables:

relianoid load balancer v8 network routing rules table configure

ID. Internal unique identifier assigned by the system.
To. Destination CIDR (IP/bitmask) where the packet is directed.
Interface. Interface used to reach the destination, previously configured.
Source. Source IP address of the packet.
Via. Next host to reach the destination, configured in the field. This host must know the path to the destination and be in the same network as the Source.
Priority. Number determining the strength of a rule. Lower values indicate higher priority.

Actions #

Use the following actions to manage routing rules:

  • Create Route. Opens a form to create a new route.
  • Edit. Modifies existing route configurations.
  • Delete. Modifies existing route configurations.

Interface Management #

This view categorizes interfaces into two groups:

  • Managed interfaces: Interfaces known and used by the current routing table.
  • Unmanaged interfaces: Interfaces not managed by the current routing table.

Moving an interface to Unmanaged interfaces removes any routes associated with that interface from the current routing table. This ensures that network traffic destined for those interfaces does not utilize this routing table unless explicitly configured.

This flexible configuration allows users to tailor routing behavior precisely to their network architecture and operational requirements.


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