IPDS | Blacklists | Update

IPDS | Blacklists | Update

This section shows all the settings available for the current blacklist organized in two tabs, Global and Farms. Keep in mind that changes in this section have to be applied clicking on the Submit button.

The Global Settings for Local or Remote blacklists includes Name, Type and Policy.

If the blacklist is preloaded, it will not be possible to modify its name. Only user-created blacklists can be modified.

Local Blacklists Global Settings #

The Local Blacklists require adding the list of IP addresses or subnets as a list in the Sources section.

Name. It should be self-explained in order to be easily found and recognizable.
Type. In this case, we are configuring a local Rule, which means that you will manually introduce a list of custom IPs.
Policy. It must be one Allow or Deny, depending on the effect you would like to apply to your custom IP list.

Sources #

The Sources section includes the following information:

Source. The source IP address or source subnet in IPv4 format which will be allowed or denied.

Those actions are only possible when the list is customized by the user and is a local list. It does not work on remote lists or preloaded lists. The action can be accomplished by clicking over the source.

Remote Blacklists Global Settings #

The global settings that a Remote Blacklists includes are described below.

Updates #

The Updates section permits scheduling the download and update of the remote blacklist. There is a green cloud icon to download the blacklist set in the Url field. This way you can check if the URL link works as expected without waiting for the scheduled download.

Frequency. Update the frequency of the blacklist. The options available are:

  • Daily. The blacklist will be updated every day. You may update the list several times a day, or select a specific time for updating once a day.
    zevenet ipds remote blacklist period timezevenet ipds remote blacklist exact time
  • Weekly. The blacklist will be updated once a week. It’s needed to select a Weekday when the update will be executed, and a specified Time.zevenet ipds remote blacklist weekly
  • Monthly. The blacklist will be updated once a month. It’s needed to select the Day of the month when the update will be executed, and a specified Time.zevenet ipds remote blacklist monthly

The format of the remote file should be a text-plain file with a line per IP address or subnet to add to the blacklist.

Here you can see an example of a correct blacklist format:

Notice that each line is formed by only an IPv4 address. If you would like to include an entire Subnet Range you should use this format to represent the mask: ipv4_address/bits . For example, will affect the IP address from to

Farms Blacklists Settings #

This section allows assigning farms to the preloaded or created blacklists through the Farms tab when updating a blacklist.

zevenet ipds blacklist assign farm

In this section, it will be possible to select one or more than one farm (by maintaining the shift keyboard button pressed) and assign the blacklist rule to them or remove it from them. It is also possible to assign or remove it from all the available farms with the double arrow buttons.


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