
Posted by Relianoid Admin | 22 July 2024

The CrowdStrike Outage: Unpacking the Largest IT Disruption in History In a dramatic turn of events, a software update from CrowdStrike, a leading U.S. cybersecurity firm, has precipitated what is...

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Posted by Relianoid Admin | 02 July 2024

A severe Remote Unauthenticated Code Execution (RCE) vulnerability has been recently identified in OpenSSH’s server (sshd) on glibc-based Linux systems. This high-severe flaw, assigned CVE-2024-6387, poses a significant security risk...

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Posted by Relianoid Admin | 10 June 2024

Load balancing is a crucial aspect of high-performance computing (HPC) systems that allows for the equitable distribution of computational tasks across available processors. As we move towards exascale computing, effective...

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Posted by Relianoid Admin | 18 April 2024

It’s with great concern that the French government has reported a series of intense cyberattacks affecting several government agencies. The attacks, which kicked off last March 11th, are believed to...

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Posted by Relianoid Admin | 09 January 2024

A critical vulnerability has been identified in SSH ProxyCommand, marked as CVE-2023-51385, with a severity rating of 9.8 on the CVSS scale. This flaw poses a significant risk, potentially allowing...

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Posted by Relianoid Admin | 28 December 2023

The global internet user base continues its upward trajectory, reaching 5.16 billion users in 2023, marking nearly a 2% increase from the previous year. This growth, fueled by the momentum...

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Posted by Relianoid Admin | 30 October 2023

Singapore, renowned for its cutting-edge digital infrastructure, was struck by a sudden and disruptive digital service outage on October 14th, 2023. This unforeseen event left businesses and the general public...

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Posted by Relianoid Admin | 24 October 2023

Cyberattacks are a constant threat, and the latest victim is none other than the Japanese company Casio. Attackers have reportedly breached their servers, compromising the personal information of thousands of...

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Posted by Relianoid Admin | 03 October 2023

In the world of cybersecurity, vulnerabilities are an ever-present concern. Recently, security researchers unearthed a noteworthy vulnerability in the GNU C Library’s dynamic loader, often referred to as This...

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Posted by Relianoid Admin | 25 September 2023

The comprehensive report we present here delves into the evolving threat landscape of 2023, offering insights into the changing face of Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attacks. This analysis draws from a wealth...

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