Critical DDoS attack to France Government

Posted by Relianoid Admin | 18 April, 2024 | Reports

It’s with great concern that the French government has reported a series of intense cyberattacks affecting several government agencies. The attacks, which kicked off last March 11th, are believed to be distributed-denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, causing servers to be flooded with junk requests and disrupting access to network resources.

Type of attack

The French government has labeled the attacks as “unprecedented” in terms of their intensity, signifying the severity of the situation. While DDoS attacks can’t steal information, they can certainly impede access to crucial services.

Although DDoS incidents are often linked to state-sponsored groups, the straightforward nature of the assault means they don’t provide a long-term disruptive capability or a way for the attacker to infiltrate the targets’ networks.

History and targets

In the past, similar attacks have been carried out by groups expressing support for Russia’s activities in Ukraine, raising concerns about external sponsorship. The French government, however, has not attributed the incident to any specific group.

The onslaught over the weekend targeted various ministerial services, but it’s unclear if it was limited to the public-facing websites used by the French government. In response, a “crisis cell has been activated to deploy countermeasures,” with the impact reduced for most services and access to state websites now restored.


After some weeks of research, the hacking collective Anonymous Sudan has emerged as the claimed orchestrator of the disruptive distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks on French administrations. Anonymous Sudan pointed fingers at France’s Direction interministérielle du numérique (DINUM), accusing the agency of failing to fend off the assault. Cloudflare, the internet security company, confirmed the persistence of the attack on both Monday and Tuesday. This incident comes on the heels of previous assaults attributed to Anonymous Sudan, including a February 2024 attack on the University of Cambridge and a June 2023 strike on Microsoft’s cloud services, marking a concerning trend of cyber aggression.

While Anonymous Sudan has historically operated independently, security analysts from FalconFeeds suggest a collaborative effort in this latest onslaught. They implicate a pro-Russian threat actor known as UserSec and another entity identified as 22C as potential collaborators. The absence of clear motives behind the attack has fueled speculation, with some media outlets, such as The Register, tying it to President Macron’s recent remarks advocating European military support for Ukraine against Russian aggression. This conjecture raises the possibility of the attack serving as a warning against such geopolitical moves, underscoring the complexities of cyber warfare intertwined with global politics.


The next days some new information was disclosed: France Travail, the department responsible for assisting unemployed individuals, was the victim of this major data breach, potentially affecting up to 43 million citizens. This alarming incident has prompted the department to notify the country’s data protection watchdog, CNIL, regarding the exposure of personal information spanning the past two decades.

The compromised data includes names, dates of birth, social security numbers, France Travail identifiers, email addresses, postal addresses, and phone numbers. Although passwords and banking details remain safe, CNIL has cautioned that the stolen data could be combined with information obtained from other breaches to create extensive profiles on individuals.

While it’s uncertain whether the attackers managed to obtain the entire database, the announcement strongly suggests that at least some data was extracted. This breach serves as a stark reminder of the critical need for robust data protection measures in today’s digital landscape.

Need to act

In the wake of recent cyberattacks and data breaches, it’s more important than ever to safeguard your organization’s systems with robust security solutions. As threats continue to evolve, having a comprehensive defense strategy is crucial.

At RELIANOID, we understand the constantly changing cybersecurity landscape. Our cutting-edge security solutions are designed to provide comprehensive protection for your organization’s digital assets. From advanced threat detection to proactive defense measures, we offer a range of solutions to keep your systems secure.

Don’t wait until it’s too late. Take proactive steps to protect your organization from cyber threats. Get in touch with RELIANOID today to learn more about our security solutions and keep your data safe from potential breaches.


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