high availability

Posted by Relianoid Admin | 12 July 2024

In recent years, the healthcare industry has grappled with numerous challenges, ranging from heightened security threats to revenue disruptions. Amidst these complexities, employee burnout has emerged as a critical concern,...

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Posted by Relianoid Admin | 10 June 2024

Load balancing is a crucial aspect of high-performance computing (HPC) systems that allows for the equitable distribution of computational tasks across available processors. As we move towards exascale computing, effective...

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Posted by Relianoid Admin | 22 May 2024

We’re excited to announce the release of RELIANOID Load Balancer Enterprise Version 6.2.34, introducing some improvements and bugfixing. Below are the detailed release notes: Changelog Improvements: [letsencrypt] automated backup-recovery for...

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Posted by Relianoid Admin | 22 March 2024

Load balancing is crucial for building reliable distributed systems, optimizing workload allocation across various computing resources like computers, clusters, and network links. Its aim is to enhance resource utilization, maximize...

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Posted by Relianoid Admin | 06 February 2024

We are excited to introduce RELIANOID 6.2.32 Load Balancer (Enterprise Edition) on the February 5th, 2024, showcasing a series of improvements and critical bug fixes to fortify system security and...

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Posted by Relianoid Admin | 30 January 2024

The widespread adoption of virtualization in recent years has revolutionized the efficiency and scalability of IT infrastructure, offering cost-effective solutions to businesses. While over 90% of organizations have embraced server...

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Posted by Relianoid Admin | 08 January 2024

In a recent incident (last 3rd January), Orange Spain encountered a significant internet outage due to a cyberattack that targeted the company’s RIPE account. The threat actor, identified as ‘Snow,’...

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Posted by Relianoid Admin | 28 December 2023

The global internet user base continues its upward trajectory, reaching 5.16 billion users in 2023, marking nearly a 2% increase from the previous year. This growth, fueled by the momentum...

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Posted by Relianoid Admin | 29 November 2023

For heightened security and optimal data encryption, effective October 31, 2024, Microsoft mandates that interactions with Azure services must be secured using Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.2 or later. This...

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Posted by Relianoid Admin | 16 November 2023

Sberbank, a major Russian financial institution, recently disclosed that it encountered an exceptionally potent distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack, marking it as the most formidable in recent history, according...

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