
Posted by Relianoid Admin | 17 July 2024

In the interconnected world of modern healthcare, the integrity and security of IT systems are paramount. Recent events, such as the ransomware attack on hospitals across Romania, underscore the urgent...

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Posted by Relianoid Admin | 25 June 2024

The quest for secure communication channels has been relentless in the realm of cybersecurity, where every digital interaction can potentially be intercepted or compromised. One pivotal solution that emerged from...

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Posted by Relianoid Admin | 23 May 2024

On March 19, 2024, a research team led by Prof. Dr. Christian Rossow at the CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security in Germany unveiled a significant security threat. This threat...

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Posted by Relianoid Admin | 18 April 2024

It’s with great concern that the French government has reported a series of intense cyberattacks affecting several government agencies. The attacks, which kicked off last March 11th, are believed to...

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Posted by Relianoid Admin | 30 January 2024

The widespread adoption of virtualization in recent years has revolutionized the efficiency and scalability of IT infrastructure, offering cost-effective solutions to businesses. While over 90% of organizations have embraced server...

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Posted by Relianoid Admin | 09 January 2024

A critical vulnerability has been identified in SSH ProxyCommand, marked as CVE-2023-51385, with a severity rating of 9.8 on the CVSS scale. This flaw poses a significant risk, potentially allowing...

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Posted by Relianoid Admin | 08 January 2024

In a recent incident (last 3rd January), Orange Spain encountered a significant internet outage due to a cyberattack that targeted the company’s RIPE account. The threat actor, identified as ‘Snow,’...

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Posted by Relianoid Admin | 22 December 2023

Emerging threats demand continuous attention to fortify businesses against potential vulnerabilities. Recently, researchers uncovered a critical flaw in the SSH cryptographic network protocol, identified as CVE-2023-48795. Known as the Terrapin...

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Posted by Relianoid Admin | 16 November 2023

Sberbank, a major Russian financial institution, recently disclosed that it encountered an exceptionally potent distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack, marking it as the most formidable in recent history, according...

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Posted by Relianoid Admin | 10 November 2023

A campaign known as “Stayin’ Alive” has been actively targeting government organizations and telecommunication service providers across Asia since 2021. Aim of the attack Employing a diverse array of “disposable”...

55 LikesComments Off on Asian telecoms in the eye of the storm for ToddyCat hackers
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