
Posted by Relianoid Admin | 17 July 2024

In the interconnected world of modern healthcare, the integrity and security of IT systems are paramount. Recent events, such as the ransomware attack on hospitals across Romania, underscore the urgent...

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Posted by Relianoid Admin | 12 July 2024

In recent years, the healthcare industry has grappled with numerous challenges, ranging from heightened security threats to revenue disruptions. Amidst these complexities, employee burnout has emerged as a critical concern,...

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Posted by Relianoid Admin | 12 April 2024

OWASP Top 10 Overview The OWASP Top 10 is a globally recognized standard for understanding and addressing the most critical security risks to web applications. Developed by the Open Web...

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Posted by Relianoid Admin | 08 March 2024

On March 5, 2024, Meta Platforms Inc., the parent company of Facebook, Instagram, and Threads, experienced a global outage that left millions of users unable to access their accounts for...

86 LikesComments Off on Meta’s March 5 Outage: Lessons Learned and the Need for Secure, Decentralized, and Open Source Social Platforms
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Posted by Relianoid Admin | 06 February 2024

We are excited to introduce RELIANOID 6.2.32 Load Balancer (Enterprise Edition) on the February 5th, 2024, showcasing a series of improvements and critical bug fixes to fortify system security and...

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Posted by Relianoid Admin | 09 January 2024

A critical vulnerability has been identified in SSH ProxyCommand, marked as CVE-2023-51385, with a severity rating of 9.8 on the CVSS scale. This flaw poses a significant risk, potentially allowing...

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Posted by Relianoid Admin | 22 December 2023

Emerging threats demand continuous attention to fortify businesses against potential vulnerabilities. Recently, researchers uncovered a critical flaw in the SSH cryptographic network protocol, identified as CVE-2023-48795. Known as the Terrapin...

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Posted by Relianoid Admin | 29 November 2023

For heightened security and optimal data encryption, effective October 31, 2024, Microsoft mandates that interactions with Azure services must be secured using Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.2 or later. This...

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Posted by Relianoid Admin | 10 November 2023

A campaign known as “Stayin’ Alive” has been actively targeting government organizations and telecommunication service providers across Asia since 2021. Aim of the attack Employing a diverse array of “disposable”...

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Posted by Relianoid Admin | 08 November 2023

A massive telecommunications outage struck Australia, leaving millions of citizens and businesses without mobile and internet services due to a network failure at the telecommunications company Optus. This disruption led...

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