Avoiding AWS Amazon Cloud Outage

Posted by Admin | 2 March, 2017 | Reports

A big list of huge traffic websites and platforms like Apple, Amazon, Netflix, Quora, Trello and Slack have been affected this week due to the AWS S3 service in the US east region data center. But this kind of situations are already well known by thousands of websites and services when in August of 2011, a lightning strike knocked Amazon and Microsoft data centers loosing all their services and data, and without any availability plan, backup or disaster recovery solution.

Unfortunately, that’s not the first nor the last experience that will be published in the news. Gartner, already detected the AWS weaknesses in regards to the high dependency of the AWS services lack of integration of AWS services with other platforms.

Usually, single cloud provider deployments allows to deploy a service among all the available data centers for such provider.

single cloud provider service deployment

Why to risk your business relying in just one cloud provider?

The key to avoid your services to be affected by cloud services (private, public or hybrid) like what happened with AWS Amazon Cloud Outage, is not relying in just one cloud provider but creating an upper layer infrastructure that is able to orchestrate between different cloud providers, data centers or services through an agnostic and flexible interface.

This is the aim of the ZVNcloud toolbox which is designed to provide a Software-defined ADC to create highly available the services among different data centers, public cloud providers or hybrid cloud platforms.

software defined adc provider agnostic

But, who ensures the availability of such provider agnostic service? The future of high availability in cloud platforms is to create distributed clustering services able to collaborate in WANs networks through light but fast protocols that permits to consolidate ADC services in a failure tolerant fashion.

Our researchers in RELIANOID are still designing a definitive approach that allows to reduce the risks of public and hybrid cloud infrastructures.


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