In every edition of Netdev Conf we ask to ourselves: Where is the future of linux networking going? What are the new challenges to do more with less? Where is the bottleneck?
Well, in the upcoming Netdev Conf 2.1 edition we’re going to face new technical challenges that the gurus have been researching during the last 6 months, highlighting the interested topics about Cloud and Data Center Infrastructure, IoT research, DDos and security concerns, among other classics topics like Network optimization and performance, Network analysis, HW offload and workshops about TC, netfilterand connection tracking.
Please attend to these talks if you are you interested in…?
Understanding Blue Yonder Blue Yonder is a global leader in supply chain management software, offering advanced solutions designed to streamline logistics, inventory, and workforce operations. Leveraging artificial intelligence and machine…
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Digital infrastructures form the backbone of national operations, so the need for robust disaster recovery (DR) systems has never been more critical. Recent events in Indonesia underscore the vulnerability of…
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