[ANNOUNCE] New release RELIANOID ADC LOAD BALANCER Community Edition v7

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  • #51397 Reply

      We are proud to announce the release of RELIANOID Community Edition v7!

      New features:
      [system] Full rebranding to RELIANOID
      [system] Kernel 6.1 based on Debian Bookworm 12.2
      [system] OpenSSLv3 support
      [system] Seamless upgrade from Community to Enterprise Edition
      [system] Seamless upgrade from Community v5 to v7
      [system] Python3 and perl 5.36
      [system] Curl 7 support
      [system] ISO size optimization for a lightweight deployment
      [cluster] community stateless cluster included by default
      [farms] reverse proxy support for auto DH ciphers generation

      Full release notes:

      #51478 Reply

        Merci beaucoup et bravo pour cette dernière nouvelle version CE v7.0. Bonne continuation.

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