farm not working properly

  • This topic has 6 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 3 months ago by nevola.
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  • #56664 Reply

      Hello, users say that the website is not working properly, with many disconnections, in logs I see a lot of messages like these:

      pound: XXXXX, (7f68b12aa6c0) error read from YYYYY: Connection timed out
      pound: XXXXX, service KKKKK, backend ZZZZZ:8280, (7f68b16796c0) error copy server cont: Broken pipe
      pound: XXXXX, (7f68b0a086c0) error copy chunk cont: Broken pipe

      XXXXX is the farm, YYYYY is the client (user) ip

      farm is configured as an https with 3 backends and persostence with cookies. There is no firewall between backends and load balancer or load balancer and clients.
      Which could be the problem?
      Thank you.

      #56677 Reply


        It seems that the client timeout has been reached.

        pound: XXXXX, (7f68b12aa6c0) error read from YYYYY: Connection timed out

        And then, the reverse proxy closes the connection with the backend.

        pound: XXXXX, service KKKKK, backend ZZZZZ:8280, (7f68b16796c0) error copy server cont: Broken pipe

        How many connections are we talking about?
        What’s the current value of client and backend timeouts?
        Does the log file says about any error in the system?


        #56686 Reply

          Hi, about 100 concurrent connections, but the problem is present with less connections too.
          Client request timeout is set to 60 and backend connection timeout is set to 60 too.
          No other system errors in log.
          The farm is also configured on a kemp vlm load balancer and works good.
          Thank you.

          #56688 Reply


            Could you generate a Support Save file via System > SupportSave and send it to our team at ?

            Thank you.

            #57050 Reply

              Hello, sorry for late reply.
              Support save hangs on “Generating report…”, no report is generated.

              #57059 Reply

                Hi, please verify you’ve enough disk space first.

                Then, execute in console the command:


                Finally, please send it via email.


                #57069 Reply

                  Hi Francesco, we received the support save.

                  Some issues detacted in regards:

                  1. Timeouts from several backends. You could increase the backend timeout for those cases
                  HTTP/1.1: Connection timed out (45.009 secs)

                  2. All backends from certain farms come down everyday at 7:00am, probably due to a scheduled task.

                  3. Broken connections to backends due to client timeouts

                  error read from XXX: Connection timed out
                  backend YYYY, (…..) error copy server cont: Broken pipe

                  When a client timeout is detected, then the proxy closes the backend side. You can try to increase client timeout and see if this palliates the issue.


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