[ANNOUNCE] New release RELIANOID ADC LOAD BALANCER Community Edition v5.21.0

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  • #50503 Reply

      We’re glad to announce the release of RELIANOID Community Edition v5.21.0 that continues with the (discontinued) Zevenet CE v5.13.

      This release fixes some important issues about the Debian APT sources that were set up in Zevenet CE incorrectly. Also, a seamless process to upgrade from Community Edition (for both ZEVENET and RELIANOID) to Enterprise is created without the need of redeployment.

      RELIANOID 5.21.0 (Community Edition)
      10 October, 2023

      New features:
      [system] seamless upgrade from Community Edition to Enterprise

      [system] automatize grub-pc configuration update

      [farms] fix debian buster apt sources

      Enjoy the Site Reliability Experience!

      #50588 Reply

        I’d like to thank you for the brand new RELIANOID ADC CE 5.21 version.

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