Cybersecurity and DDoS protection application delivery

The cybersecurity solution for business continuity


Not only a DDoS protection solution,
Zevenet is a complete Application Delivery Solution for high-performance scalability, security and high availability of services

Support of local and remote IP and network lists per service, fully customized and automatic list update scheduler from high reputation lists.

More than 200 preloaded automated protection lists per zone or geolocation, private networks, bad peers, botnets, spam lists, web scrapers, bogons, TOR nodes, spyware, anonymous proxies, brute force hosts, web exploits, and more.

Configurable DoS and DDoS protection rules per service including connection limit per second, total connections limit per source IP, bogus TCP protection, reset requests limit per second among others.

DNS Blackhole lists for real-time DDoS protection services based on high reputation lists.

Web Application Firewall with more than 400 rules to protect application-level attacks like DoS attacks, protocol, and method enforcements, scanners, local and remote file inclusion, remote code execution, injections, vulnerabilities exploitation, cross-site scripting, session fixation, data leakages, among others.

How efficient is your security implementation?


Zevenet is able to drop 10 million of packets per second (per physical core) linearly. More attackers, same performance.

Cybersecurity made easy with Zevenet


Security layer for your networks and applications with the advanced user experience web gui

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Full cybersecurity automation capabilities with the rest API

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TRY Relianoid