Relianoid 6.2.2 (Enterprise Edition)

Announcement Date: 4 March, 2022

New features:
[webgui] add farm blacklists move action

[farms] enable pound as a proxy by default
[rbac] avoid SO limitation pattern creating a RBAC user
[api] add validations to GET stats API
[api] change IPDS API response messages
[api] add ipds message error when configure duplicate WAF rule ids

[system] fixed delete zevenet certificate in factory reset
[system] fixed issue migrating from iptables to nftlb in the backend status
[networking] fixed configure default gw in the main routing table when a NIC is modified
[networking] fixed an Interface that can be reconfigured with the same IP
[networking] ignore dhcp parameter in Interface API if is equals to the configured one
[farms] fixed glsb stats service validation
[farms] get farm PID from the PID file, not from the system
[api] fixed create and modify route validation
[api] fix GET /stats/farms//services//backends to get backends by service
[api] fix cookieinsertion validation
[api] do not allow to create any http cookie directive with any blank parameter
[system] fixed the following vulnerabilities issues:
CVE-2022-0543, CVE-2022-25235, CVE-2022-25236, CVE-2022-25313, CVE-2022-25314, CVE-2022-25315, CVE-2022-24407