Relianoid 6.1.11 (Enterprise Edition)

Announcement Date: 3 September, 2020

[ipds] added/delete IPs in the blacklist module in batching
[rbac] added more tests to the LDAP connector for bind DN, filter, and bind user
[certs] added a new unknown status if the certificate format is not detected
[webgui] allowed to search a Virtual IP using the field alias in the farm creation
[webgui] graphs for network traffic changes to Gbytes or Tbytes based on the total of bytes received

[cluster] netplug always starts cluster in backup mode discarding maintenance mode
[ssl] fixed issue managing SSL certificates with an unknown format
[ssl] added information if not valid SSL certificate format
[system] fixed issue showing the number of CPU cores if the value is higher than 10
[networking] fixed resetting MACs when a NIC is added/removed of a bonding interface
[system] fixed internet connection check for packages update.
[webgui] added support to DH 2048 in the web server
[farms] fixed error 500 listing GSLB backends
[ssl] removed the key file is a CSR is deleted
[farms] added Alias field when a backend is created
[farms] validate the backend ID before creating sessions
[farms] unset priority for farms if no proxy of the new generation is in use
[farms] fixed issue deleting DSLB farm if the interface used in VIP is down
[farms] update backend priority after backend status change
[webgui] fixed refresh alias if backend changes
[webgui] STS directive is enabled/disabled if HTTPS listener is enabled/disabled without refreshing the view
[webgui] fixed typos in messages for the translation module