Relianoid 6.1.6 (Enterprise Edition)

Announcement Date: 12 June, 2020

[webgui] added spinner to force changes in proxy of the new generation
[webgui] added messages to the translation module
[ipds] added description to WAF operators

[webgui] fixed table of backend GSLB with spinner and delete actions
[webgui] fixed backends ID in backends table of farms GSLB
[webgui] fixed creating an alias and create interface alias
[webgui] fixed WAF variables used in forms, data is loaded from API
[webgui] fixed error renaming blacklist
[webgui] changed the update method in routing rules
[webgui] fixed creating and updating routing rules
[webgui] fixed the refresh of stats
[webgui] fixed search of WAF variables
[webgui] fixed changing the schedule for a blacklist
[ssl] fixed issues in letsencrypt certificates management renovations
[ipds] fixed copying RBL lists
[lslb] fixed marks assignment for l4xnat backends
[routing] fixed issue modifying priorities of routing rules
[ipds] fixed deleting blacklist of HTTP profile
[zcli] fixed some issues in autocomplete for boolean values