RELIANOID 7.2.0 (Community Edition)

Announcement Date: 26 March, 2024

New features:
[lslb] add priority to backends
[lslb] introduce least response scheduler for http farms

[system] Based on Debian 12.5
[core] improve syntax of developer documentation
[lslb] improve http farms parser to make it more robust
[core] apply good practices to pass critic level 4
[gui] Improved translation messages
[core] Reduce default log messages of metrics collector
[core] Cleanup unused and deprecated code
[system] avoid ssh config overwriting

[cluster] fix cluster replication
[lslb] fix adding Control directive in HTTP farms during migration of config files
[gui] fix https backends, virtual host and pattern enabling option
[system] Fix grub issue in ISO installation

Here are the Release Notes with all the extended information.